Welcome to Our Agent Portal!
Please submit your listings or Grand Open House using the forms below. Also here, you can find useful information links.
Thank you!
Jill Guzman Realty inc.

Listing Submission
Please submit your rental or home listings by filling out the form.
We will accept listing information from Monday thru Friday from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm
All listings will be created with the exact information you provided. Please make sure to include, the listing’s full address, city, zip code, price, full features, full description, and any other important information.
Any listing submitted on Friday after 2:00 pm. won’t be post it on our website or our social media networks until the following week. No Excuses!
Compress your images before uploading them.
To compress your images click here https://squoosh.app/
***Recommended images size 1000px width
Watch the video to learn how to use squoosh app :
Grand Open House Submission
Please submit your Grand Open House event by filling out the form.
We accept event information from Monday thru Friday from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm
All listings will be created with the exact information you provided. Please make sure to include, the listing’s full address, city, zip code, price, full features, full description, and any other important information.
Any listing submitted on Friday after 2:00 pm. won’t be post it on our website or our social media networks until the following week. No Excuses!
Compress your images before uploading them.
To compress your images click here https://squoosh.app/
***Recommended images size 1000px width
Watch the video to learn how to use Squoosh app :
Realtor Associate Personal Information Submission
Please submit your personal information and bio by filling up the form.
We accept Realtor’s information from Monday thru Friday from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm
All realtors’ bios will be created with the exact information you provided. Please provide a professional headshot photo of yourself.
Any form submitted on Friday after 2:00 pm. won’t be post it on our website or our social media networks until the following week. No Excuses!
Compress your images before uploading them.
To compress your images click here https://squoosh.app/
***Recommended images size 1000px width
Watch the video to learn how to use squoosh app :
Useful Links
Find useful information using the links.
- Garden State MLS – https://www.gsmls.com/